
Furnace Installers Grandville MI


SINGLE STAGE FURNACE: The gas flame will either be on or off in a single stage furnace. When the thermostat senses the home is getting cold, the furnace will turn on. Single stage furnaces tend to have larger temperature swings. Majority of homes have single stage furnaces installed. However, as of recently, more consumers are switching to two stage or modulating furnaces for the additional comfort benefits.

TWO STAGE FURNACE: You’ll experience added comfort and some extra energy savings with a two stage furnace. The flame has a high and low output setting which helps provide less heat on milder days and more heat when it’s much colder outside. The addition of a two stage furnace increases run time efficiencies and decreases the noise level of the unit. This is one of the most common choices among consumers today.

MODULATING FURNACE: A modulating furnace adjusts its flame in incremental steps. This allows it to heat the home more evenly as well as run longer. These furnaces offer the best overall comfort with lower temperature swings, plus you’ll get the highest possible energy savings. A modulating unit is most often chosen for homes with hard to heat areas and to get the best energy savings possible.

We can help you choose the right furnace for your home today!

For more information, contact RiteTemp Heating & Cooling today at (616) 530-5844. We serve Grandville, Grand Rapids, and surrounding areas!


Your service and integrity exceeded my expectations. I tell everyone in the office about your company.
Jen - Grand Rapids, MI